Community Trust grants will be considered two times per year. SkyCity Hamilton Community Trust will consider grants for up to three years, with clear conditions on reporting.  Granting levels will depend on the funding levels available.

We will work alongside the Waikato Funders group to ensure we know where the greatest needs are for leverage and partnering for impact.  We want to build trusted partnerships to get the support to where it is needed.

We will welcome the opportunity to partner with funders and with community. 

Organisations applying for Community Trust grant must be able to demonstrate their charitable purpose. This will be through either their registration with Charities Services, Incorporated Society, Marae, or registered under relevant legislation or a Company with charitable status. Only organisations with appropriate legal status can apply.

How do I apply?

Applications for Round 2 of the 2025 financial year are now open.

Trustees will be considering applications in April 2025.

How much can I apply for?

There is no maximum grant available. We will be asking for a budget and for your annual accounts to help us clarify your request.

How often can I apply?

We will only approve one grant per applicant per financial year (1 July to 30 June). Applications for Community Trust Grant will remain open with submissions considered by our Trustees in November 2024 and May 2025.

How are decisions made?

Decisions are made by the Board of Trustees of the Trust. The Trust may have up to two funding rounds each financial year.   

How will my application be assessed?

Your application will be assessed by the Trust to ensure it aligns with the outcomes and priorities that the Trust is wanting to support.  We will be looking for how this is evidenced appropriately.  We will be looking at how this application fits the criteria for Community Trust Grants and, how you collaborate with other funding partners and partner organisations. 

What do I need to provide in an application?

Applications will be received in SmartyGrants. Here is what we will be asking you to provide to support your application:

Annual Accounts

  • Applications from registered Charities must provide their latest set of Financial Accounts (less than 18 months old).
  • Financial Accounts must meet Charities Services requirements for reporting and auditing and have been signed by two Office Holders no later than five months after balance date.
  • If the constitution requires your organisation to have compiled, reviewed, or audited accounts, then this aligned report must be provided with the accounts.

One letter of support

One letter of support, which is dated no less than twelve months ago, from a community organisation that you work with. We are asking for a letter of support to demonstrate that the application has a clear mandate from the community.

A detailed budget for the application, project, or service

The budget is used to support Trustees in considering the appropriate level of funding.  Please advise on current details of income you are budgeting to receive (note all income sources including this funding request) and expenditure your organisation is budgeting to spend. Please ensure that the budget notes your organisation name and applicable budget date/s (we do not fund retrospectively, so ensure this is reflected in the budget date/s).

Evidence of the need for this project

We will need to receive evidence of the need for this project and the impact it is or could have on the community. 

What else do I need to know?

  1. Terms and Conditions: The Trust has Terms and Conditions that must be accepted by all organisations that are approved to receive grants.  A copy of the Terms and Conditions are on our website, and will be provided to you, if your funding proposal is approved.  By making a proposal for funding under Community Trust Grants, your organisation is accepting these Terms and Conditions.
  2. Payment of the grant: If your application is successful, the grant will be paid to the account of your organisation.  We will need evidence of the bank account details with a bank deposit slip. 
  3. Reporting back:  We will ask you to provide us with a report once the funds have been spent or the project has been completed.  We will provide this to you through our SmartyGrants application portal.  The Trust is interested in how you measure the impact that the grant has had and will ask you to report on this.

All applications will be discussed at Trustee meetings of the Trust.

If you believe that you have a project that aligns with our funding outcomes and priorities and could be considered by the Trust, please get in touch with the team through email at